Student Life and Development Program

The Student Life and Development Program (SLDP) office offers students a variety of opportunities to learn through their involvement in campus life. Involvement and activity outside of the classroom has the power to solidify learning inside of the classroom. Engagement opportunities the SLDP office promotes include, but are not limited to student participation in the following:

  • Student Government Association (SGA)
    SGA is the representative organization of the MSJC student body. It is composed of elected and appointed student officers, each with designated duties assigned. SGA is designed to develop leadership and responsibility, to provide opportunities for the development of the social and cultural interests of students, and to promote college spirit and student morale. All students are encouraged to join and take an active part in the SGA through participation in weekly meetings and/or SGA events.
  • SGA fee – The $7.00 SGA fee helps support a variety of student life activities sponsored by the Student Government Association and organized by the SLDP office. The fee further provides students discounts on purchases in the cafeteria, free admission to home athletic events and discounted tickets to some performing arts events. You must opt-out (via the Agreements function in "self-service") if you do not wish to pay this optional fee, please refer to the SGA Fee Refund Policy.
  • Student Representation Fee (SRF) - The $2.00 SRF fee is used to support students who lobby for legislative issues that benefit community colleges and community college students. These funds are utilized by student representatives for travel to Sacramento to lobby legislators and for participation in CalSACC (California Student Association of Community Colleges) related activities.
  • Inter-Club Council (ICC)
    The ICC is a council composed of student leaders from the various MSJC Campus Clubs. The Council supports all Campus Clubs by providing training opportunities and facilitating collaboration among student organizations. In order for Campus Clubs to conduct business (events, activities, and expenditures), they must participate consistently in ICC meetings and submit all required documents to initiate the approval process.
  • Campus Clubs
    The Student Life and Development Program (SLDP) oversees the activation of all campus clubs and works to support student engagement, organize club events, and promote and market activities. Through the ICC, student leaders from all chartered clubs have the opportunity to share information, collaborate on events, and be in community with other club members.
  • Leadership Courses and Programs

 Our Leadership courses and programs allow students to further develop their leadership, people management, and communication skills. These courses and/or programs assist students in obtaining practical tools for effective decision-making practices, discovering strengths, enhancing student capacities to lead ethically and effectively, and in obtaining practical knowledge of professionalism.

Learning Outcomes

  • Explore activities in individual and group settings for self-understanding and growth;
  • Design and implement programs to enhance social, cultural, multicultural, intellectual, recreational, service, and shared governance involvement;
  • Comprehend institutional policies and procedures and their relationship to individual and group interests and activities; and
  • Develop the competencies required for effective leadership in the categories of personal, interpersonal, and the development of groups, organizations, and systems.