Personalized Academic Learning Skills (PALS)

To promote a culture of equity and inclusion, our services are designed to support the entire MSJC student population. This includes students with learning disabilities, students with a history of delayed academic achievement or who have had difficulty mastering basic skills , and all neuro-diverse learners who may benefit from PALS' personalized instruction and services.

Personalized Academic Learning Skills (PALS) offers specialized instruction and services to students who are identified as having specific learning disabilities under the California Community College Learning Disability and Eligibility and Services Model (LDESM). Specific learning disabilities are often due to constitutional, genetic, and or neurological factors and are not primarily due to visual or auditory sensory deficits, mobility limitations, severe emotional disturbances, economic disadvantage, cultural or language differences.

A learning disabilities assessment is designed to determine strengths and weaknesses, educational limitations, and compensatory strategies. Specialized classes in study skills and mathematics support teach compensatory strategies designed to help students maximize their success in college. Services include computer technologies, personalized tutoring, individualized assistance, PALS courses, and study skills workshops.

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Learning Outcomes

  • Analyze and critically evaluate functional limitations, select appropriate compensatory learning strategies, and evaluate use of adaptive technologies appropriate for their individual remediation needs.
  • Communicate effectively with instructors, staff and fellow students using appropriate methods of technology and select appropriate learning and compensatory strategies.
  • Demonstrate personal responsibility, identify personal needs and goals, and select appropriate resources necessary to meet them.
  • Practice active learning and demonstrate measurable progress of course level learning outcomes defined in their educational study plan.