Aviation Science (AVIA)

AVIA-500  Aviation Weather  

3 Units (LEC 48-54)

This course is an in-depth study of aviation weather to prepare the student for employment as a professional pilot. The information covered in this course is an expansion of the weather information found in other AVIA courses.

Transfers to CSU only

AVIA-503  Private Pilot Ground School  

5 Units (LEC 80-90)

This course covers basic aerodynamics, aircraft performance, Federal Aviation Regulations, aviation weather factors and cross country navigation procedures. The course provides introductory material on radio navigation, radio communications procedures, human factors and aviation safety.

Prerequisite/Corequisite: AVIA-700 (with a grade of C or better).

Transfers to CSU only

AVIA-505  Instrument Rating Ground School  

3 Units (LEC 48-54)

This course covers principles of instrument flight, aircraft performance, Federal Aviation Regulations, aviation weather factors and IFR cross country navigation procedures. Instrument Approach Procedures, IFR operational procedures, human factors and aviation safety will be discussed.

Prerequisite: AVIA-503 (with a grade of C or better) or FAA Private Pilot Certification.

Transfers to CSU only

AVIA-507  Commercial Pilot Ground School  

3 Units (LEC 48-54)

This course covers transport category aircraft performance considerations, advanced weight and balance, multi-engine aerodynamics, and Federal Aviation Regulations applicable to commercial pilots.

Prerequisite: AVIA-505 (with a grade of C or better) or FAA Private Pilot Certification with Instrument Rating.

Transfers to CSU only

AVIA-700  Aviation Orientation  

1 Unit (LEC 16-18)

This course is an orientation to the Aviation Science Program at MSJC. It will provide students with the information necessary to assess their ability to meet the regulatory requirements for employment in their chosen aviation career. Students will develop an Aviation Career Plan. This plan will include the training needed to reach the student's career goal as well as the cost of training and resources available to offset those costs.

Corequisite: AVIA-503.

Not transferable

AVIA-710  Certified Flight Instructor Ground School  

3 Units (LEC 48-54)

This course covers basic aerodynamics, aircraft performance, Federal Aviation Regulations, aviation weather factors and cross country navigation procedures. The course provides in depth instruction in the fundamentals of teaching and learning and ground and in-flight instructional techniques.

Prerequisite: AVIA-507 (with a grade of C or better) or FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate with Instrument Rating.

Not transferable