Admissions Requirements


The following groups of people may attend Mt. San Jacinto College:

  • Residents and nonresidents of California who have graduated from high school, passed the California High School Proficiency Exam or General Education Development Exam (GED), or are eighteen (18) years or older and can benefit from instruction;
  • International students who have satisfied specific admission requirements; or
  • Eligible high school students who have satisfied specific admissions requirements.

Admissions Application

New and returning students who have not attended MSJC for more than one (1) calendar year must complete an application for admission. Federal and state law, and college policy requires this information. It is highly recommended that students provide the college with official transcripts from high school and previous college work at the time of admission. All transcripts and other documentation submitted become the property of Mt. San Jacinto College.

Review the admissions checklist on the Enrollment Services webpage. After you have submitted the application, you will receive an account activation email to proceed with next steps.

Mt. San Jacinto College welcomes prospective students outside the United States to explore opportunities with us. Our admissions process carefully considers all submitted materials before the deadline. Acceptance into the program is necessary before issuing a U.S. Citizenship and immigration Services I-20 form (Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status) can be issued. 

For more information, visit our International Student webpage at International-students.
Please note that there is a non-refundable application processing fee of $90, and international students will be subject to prevailing nonresident tuition fees.

The California Education Code has provided a special program for high school students who are able to benefit from advanced scholastic or vocational studies. To that end, upon the written recommendation of the high school principal, students in grades eleven (11) and twelve (12) may enroll in up to three (3) courses (not to exceed eleven (11) units) for Fall and Spring semesters and up to two (2) courses (not to exceed eight (8) units) for summer sessions, unless approved for exceptional circumstances. Some highly qualified ninth (9th) and tenth (10th) grade students may be admitted based upon demonstrated ability to handle advanced study. The same enrollment limit of students in grades eleven (11) and twelve (12) applies. Official transcripts are required and may be sent electronically to  In addition, students MUST meet all established course prerequisites in order to be admitted to college courses. Please note that completion of high school courses does not always meet college course prerequisites. Students without a prior placement seeking to enroll in a math or English course or a course with a math or English prerequisite must submit a Prerequisite Challenge form for review. Consult a college counselor for details on specific courses.

Fall/Spring Terms

  • Students in grades eleven (11) or twelve (12) may enroll in any scholastic or vocational course(s)1 for which they meet the course prerequisite(s), and where they can benefit;
  • Students in the second semester of grade nine (9) or who are in grade ten (10) must have a letter of recommendation attesting to the student’s ability to benefit from enrollment in the college course or program. The letter of recommendation must come from the student’s high school teacher in the same discipline for which the student is requesting permission to enroll. If an appropriate, matching discipline is not available at the student’s high school, the letter must then come from the student’s high school guidance counselor;
  • In general, students who are not currently enrolled in the second semester of grade nine (9) or above are not eligible to enroll in college courses;
  • Concurrently enrolled students are limited to 11 units during the Fall and Spring semesters; 8 units for the Summer term.
  • In addition to materials required for special part-time students, concurrently enrolled students desiring to enroll in more than 12 units must also present written authorization from the K-12 or high school district governing board. The student is required to pay California enrollment fees, and if applicable, Nonresident and Capital Outlay fees for all units registered.
  • Because college courses are taught at a much faster pace and require significantly more independent learning, high school students will not be permitted to enroll in courses where they have failed the same course in high school.

These courses have both lecture and lab components to the curriculum. Specifically excluded during the academic year are courses involving activity in physical education and lab courses emphasizing physical skill building that is not needed to reinforce the theory of a lecture course.


Scholastic or vocational courses are non-performance courses that may be counted toward an Associate degree or certificate, or for transfer to a four-year institution. History and theory courses such as music or art history, music fundamentals, etc. are considered to be scholastic or vocational, and may be taken by high school students who meet the prerequisites.

Summer Session

  • Student must have completed grade nine (9);
  • Course must not be available through local high school during the summer;
  • Limited to two courses, not to exceed 8 units total
  • Student must meet all prerequisites; and
  • Up to five percent (5%) of any high school students enrolled in a particular grade (as determined by the high school) may be admitted.

Process for All High School Students

  • Submit an MSJC Application for Admission (first semester only or if returning and missed more than one primary semester).
  • All students must complete online orientation (first semester only).
  • Submit a School/Parent Agreement Form (every semester).
  • Submit high school transcript (every semester).

High School students in grades nine (9) through twelve (12) wishing to enroll in a course must submit a “School/Parent Agreement Form,”.  Forms and transcripts can be submitted electronically. The form MUST be signed by the high school principal and by the parent or legal guardian. The high school principal, by signing this form, assures the college that the high school student is able to benefit from advanced instruction.

The student is responsible for completing the college registration process, which includes completion of an application for admission, submitting transcripts, complete the online orientation, and officially registering for classes online. This process must be completed by advertised deadlines. No late requests will be considered.

Special Students Below Grade 9

In extraordinary cases where a student demonstrates superior ability and capacity to succeed in college level work in a particular discipline, the college may consider admission of students who have not completed the first semester of ninth (9th) grade. Such consideration will be on a case-by-case basis, will be limited, and will include completion of significant documentation of exceptional abilities. Students in this age group who are capable of college level work will usually have already begun high school. Under normal conditions, students still in grade nine (9) or below will be considered to have not demonstrated college level abilities. MSJC reserves the right to deny admission to courses.

Parents should be aware that college work requires more than an ability to understand material. The college-learning environment requires a level of emotional and intellectual ability, which is significantly above that of an eighth (8th) grader. Even straight A’s in eighth (8th) grade do not necessarily mean a student is ready for college work. Eighth grade students who request admission will be given individual attention to determine their ability to benefit from college instruction.

Parents are not permitted to attend classes with their children unless they are registered for the course or authorized to attend class to assist a student with an identified disability.

Parents should be aware that they do not have access to their children’s records without a signed release from the child (per FERPA regulations).


Pursuant to Education Code Section 76300 (f), all special part-time students enrolled in up to and including 11.99 units per semester at Mt. San Jacinto College while concurrently enrolled in grade twelve (12) or lower are exempt from California Enrollment fees. When appropriate, students are required to pay nonresident, Health Service fee, SGA fee (opt out available), Student Representation fee (opt out available), Transportation fee, parking and/or materials fees. Nonresident, special part-time students, except nonimmigrant aliens are exempt from nonresident fees per AB 2364. Special full-time students enrolled in more than 11.99 units per semester are required to pay California Enrollment fees for all units registered and nonresident fees if applicable.

NOTE: While most high schools accept college courses as satisfying high school graduation requirements, it is the high schools’ exclusive right to determine what will be accepted, and how it will be counted. Be certain to consult with the high school counselor before assuming how a college course will be counted. In addition, the college can generate official transcripts only after all instructor grades have been submitted. Therefore, semester grades may not be posted on transcripts in time for high school graduation. Where high school districts will accept it, the college will provide an advance letter indicating course completion to assist the student in going through commencement exercises at the high school.

Grades are not automatically sent to the high school. It is the student’s responsibility to complete an electronic transcript request online for the college to provide a transcript to the high school. All of the regulations regarding transcript requests apply to high school students as well, including fees. Students may order official MSJC transcripts online. Learn more at Transcripts

College courses completed by high school students carry the full weight of college credit, and will count toward college degrees and/or certificates as outlined in this catalog. These courses become a part of the student’s permanent college transcript.

NOTE: It is expected that all high school students enrolling in college courses have the maturity to function effectively on a college campus. No special arrangements for additional supervision of underage students are available. College courses are designed for adult students. In a very small number of disciplines, course content may be unusually frank in order to deal with scholarly discussion of behavior, artistic, human or other issues. Unlike K-12 schools, colleges do not contact parents in advance to inform them of these issues. Parents are hereby notified that it is their responsibility to assure that their student is able to handle the college environment, as well as the content of the courses in which the student enrolls. Parents may wish to investigate the curriculum prior to enrolling their student if they have any questions or concerns.