MSJC to C-ID Chart

MSJC Course Number MT. San Jacinto College Courses C-ID Numbering
ACCT-124 Financial Accounting - Principles of Accounting I ACCT-110
ACCT-124H Honors Financial Accounting - Principles of Accounting I ACCT-110
ACCT-125 Managerial Accounting - Principles of Accounting II ACCT-120
ACCT-125H Honors Managerial Accounting - Principles of Accounting II ACCT-120
AJ-101 Criminal Law AJ-120
AJ-102 Introduction to Criminal Justice AJ-110
AJ-102H Honors Introduction to Criminal Justice AJ-110
AJ-103 Criminal Evidence AJ-124
AJ-106 Juvenile Procedures AJ-220
AJ-108 Criminal Investigation AJ-140
AJ-111 Criminal Procedures AJ-122
AJ-118 Community and the Justice System AJ-160
ANAT-101 + ANAT-102 Human Anatomy & Physiology I + Human Anatomy & Physiology II BIOL-115S
ANTH-101 Physical Anthropology ANTH-110
ANTH-101H Honors Physical Anthropology ANTH-110
ANTH-102 Cultural Anthropology ANTH-120
ANTH-102H Honors Cultural Anthropology ANTH-120
ANTH-111 Physical Anthropology Lab ANTH-115L
ANTH-115 Introduction to Archaeology ANTH-150
ANTH-115H Introduction to Archaeology ANTH-150
ANTH-145 Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology ANTH-130
ANTH-145H Honors Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology ANTH-130
ART-100 Art Appreciation ARTH-100
ART-101 Art History: Prehistoric Through Medieval Art ARTH-110
ART-102 Art History: Renaissance to 21st Century ARTH-120
ART-102H Honors Art History: Renaissance to 21st Century ARTH-120
ART-103 Introduction to Modernism ARTH-150
ART-103H Honors Introduction to Modernism ARTH-150
ART-104 World Art ARTH-140
ART-108 Beginning Drawing ARTS-110
ART-109 Intermediate Drawing ARTS-205
ART-112 Life Drawing ARTS-200
ART-115 Painting I ARTS-210
ART-120 2D Design ARTS-100
ART-121 Color Theory ARTS-270
ART-122 3D Design ARTS-101
ART-131 Introduction to Digital Art ARTS-250
BADM-103 Introduction to Business BUS-110
BADM-103H Honors Introduction to Business BUS-110
BADM-104 Business Communications BUS-115
BADM-104H Honors Business Communications BUS-115
BADM-201 Legal Environment of Business BUS-120
BIOL-150 General Biology I BIOL-190
BIOL-150H Honors General Biology I BIOL-190
BIOL-150 + BIOL-151 General Biology I + General Biology II BIOL-135S
BIOL-150H + BIOL-151H Honors General Biology I + Honors General Biology II BIOL-135S
CDE-101 Principles of Early Childhood Education ECE-120
CDE-103 Appropriate Curricula for Young Children ECE-130
CDE-110 Child Development CDEV-100
CDE-110H Honors Child Development CDEV-100
CDE-111 Child Health, Safety and Nutrition ECE-220
CDE-118 Diversity and Equity in Early Childhood ECE-230
CDE-125 Child, Family and Community CDEV-110
CDE-125H Honors Child, Family and Community CDEV-110
CDE-131/LIT-131 Children's Literature ENGL-180
CDE-131H/ LIT-131H Honors Children's Literature ENGL-180
CDE-147 Observation and Assessment in Early Childhood Education ECE-200
CDE-148 Supervised Field Experience: Student Teaching ECE-210
CHEM-100 Introduction to Chemistry CHEM-101
CHEM-101 General Chemistry I CHEM-110
CHEM-101H Honors General Chemistry I CHEM-110
CHEM-101 + CHEM-102 General Chemistry I + General Chemistry II CHEM-120S
CHEM-112 Organic Chemistry I CHEM-150
CHEM-112 + CHEM-113 Organic Chemistry I + Organic Chemistry II CHEM-160S
COMM-100 Public Speaking COMM-110
COMM-100H Honors Public Speaking COMM-110
COMM-103 Interpersonal Communication COMM-130
COMM-103H Honors Interpersonal Communication COMM-130
COMM-104 Advocacy and Argument COMM-120
COMM-104H Honors Advocacy and Argument COMM-120
COMM-106 Small Group Communication COMM-140
COMM-108 Intercultural Communication COMM-150
COMM-108H Honors Intercultural Communication COMM-150
COMM-110 Communications Media Survey JOUR-100
COMM-113/THA-113 Oral Interpretation of Literature COMM-170
COMM-115 Persuasion COMM-190
COMM-120 Survey of Communication Studies COMM-180
COMM-160 Debate and Forensics Activities COMM-160B
CORR-101 Introduction to Correctional Science AJ-200
CSIS-101 Introduction to Computers and Data Processing ITIS-120
CSIS-111B Fundamentals of Computer Programming ITIS-130
CSIS-113A C++ Programming - Level 1 COMP-122
CSIS-113B Java Programming - Level 1 COMP-122
CSIS-118B Computer Organization & Assembly Language COMP-142
CSIS-211 Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms COMP-132
CSIS-213 Discrete Structures COMP-152
ECON-201 Principles of Macroeconomics ECON-202
ECON-201H Honors Principles of Macroeconomics ECON-202
ECON-202 Principles of Microeconomics ECON-201
ECON-202H Honors Principles of Microeconomics ECON-201
ED-138 Introduction to Elementary Classroom Teaching and Fieldwork EDUC-200
ENGL-101 College Composition ENGL-100
ENGL-101H Honors College Composition ENGL-100
ENGL-103 Critical Thinking and Writing ENGL-110
ENGL-103 Critical Thinking and Writing ENGL-105
ENGL-103H Honors Critical Thinking and Writing ENGL-105
ENGL-130 Introduction to Creative Writing ENGL-200
ENGL-130H Honors Introduction to Creative Writing ENGL-200
ENGR-183 Programming with MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists ENGR-120
ENGR-185 Engineering Dynamics ENGR-230
GEOG-101 Physical Geography GEOG-110
GEOG-102 Cultural Geography GEOG-120
GEOG-103 Field Studies in Geography GEOG-160
GEOG-104 Physical Geography Lab GEOG-111
GEOG-105 Map Interpretation and Spatial Analysis GEOG-150
GEOG-106 Introduction to Weather and Climate GEOG-130
GEOG-108 World Regional Geography GEOG-125
GEOG-111 Geography of California GEOG-140
GEOG-115 Introduction to Geographic Information Science GEOG-155
GEOL-100 Physical Geology GEOL-101
GEOL-105 Historical Geology GEOL-111
GEOL-106 Earth Science GEOL-121
HIST-101 Western Civilization to 1650 HIST-170
HIST-101H Honors Western Civilization to 1650 HIST-170
HIST-102 Western Civilization Since 1650 HIST-180
HIST-102H Honors Western Civilization Since 1650 HIST-180
HIST-103 World History to 1500 HIST-150
HIST-103H Honors World History to 1500 HIST-150
HIST-104 World History Since 1500 HIST-160
HIST-104H Honors World History Since 1500 HIST-160
HIST-111 U.S. History to 1877 HIST-130
HIST-111H Honors U.S. History to 1877 HIST-130
HIST-112 U. S. History Since 1865 HIST-140
HIST-112H Honors U.S. History Since 1865 HIST-140
HS-120 Introduction to Public Health PHS-101
HS-121 Fundamentals of Healthful Living PHS-100
HS-123 Drugs, Health and Society PHS-103
LIT-106 Introduction to Literature ENGL-120
LIT-106H Honors Introduction to Literature ENGL-120
LIT-131/CDE-131 Children’s Literature ENGL-180
LIT-131H/CDE-131H Honors Children’s Literature ENGL-180
LIT-207 American Literature: Pre-Colonial to 1865 ENGL-130
LIT-207H Honors American Literature: Pre-Colonial to 1865 ENGL-130
LIT-208 American Literature: 1865 to Present ENGL-135
LIT-208H Honors American Literature: 1865 to Present ENGL-135
LIT-230 English Literature: Anglo Saxon to 1775 ENGL-160
LIT-230H Honors English Literature: Anglo Saxon to 1775 ENGL-160
LIT-231 English Literature: 1775 to Present ENGL-165
LIT-231H Honors English Literature: 1775 to Present ENGL-165
MATH-105 College Algebra MATH-151
MATH-135 Calculus for Social Science and Business MATH-140
MATH-140 Introduction to Statistics MATH-110
MATH-140H Honors Introduction to Statistics MATH-110
MATH-155 Mathematics for Elementary Teaching MATH-120
MATH-211 Analytic Geometry and Calculus I MATH-211
MATH-212 Analytic Geometry and Calculus II MATH-221
MATH-212H Calculus II MATH-221
MATH-211 + MATH-212 or MATH-212H Analytic Geometry and Calculus I + Analytic Geometry and Calculus II or Honors Analytic Geometry and Calculus II MATH-900S
MATH-213 Analytic Geometry and Calculus III MATH-230
MATH-213H Honors Analytic Geometry and Calculus III MATH-230
MATH-215 Differential Equations MATH-240
MUS-100 Introduction and Appreciation of Music MUS-100
MUS-100H Honors Introduction and Appreciation of Music MUS-100
MUS-101 Music Fundamentals MUS-110
MUS-103 Music Theory I MUS-120
MUS-104 Music Theory II MUS-130
MUS-111 Beginning Piano MUS-170
MUS-112 Intermediate Piano MUS-171
MUS-118 Applied Music: Instrumental MUS-160
MUS-151 Applied Music: Voice MUS-160
MUS-175 Musicianship I MUS-125
MUS-176 Musicianship II MUS-135
MUS-201 Orchestra MUS-180
MUS-203 Concert Band MUS-180
MUS-205 College Singers MUS-180
MUS-206 Chamber Choir MUS-180
MUS-210 Jazz Ensemble I MUS-180
MUS-211 Jazz Ensemble II MUS-180
MUS-212 Instrumental Chamber Music MUS-180
MUS-253 Music Theory III MUS-140
MUS-254 Music Theory IV MUS-150
MUS-277 Musicianship III MUS-145
MUS-278 Musicianship IV MUS-155
NUTR-101 Introduction to Nutrition Science NUTR-110
NUTR-124 Principles of Food with Lab NUTR-120
PE-115 First Aid and CPR KIN-101
PE-195 Introduction to Kinesiology KIN-100
PHIL-101 Introduction to Philosophy I PHIL-100
PHIL-101H Honors Introduction to Philosophy I PHIL-100
PHIL-103 Logic PHIL-110
PHIL-105 Introduction to Ethics PHIL-120
PHIL-109 Ancient and Medieval Philosophy PHIL-130
PHIL-110 Renaissance and Modern Philosophy PHIL-140
PHY-101 Basic Physics: Energy and Motion PHYS-105
PHY-102 Basic Electricity and Modern Physics PHYS-110
PHY-201 Mechanics and Wave Motion PHYS-205
PHY-202 Electricity and Magnetism PHYS-210
PHY-202H Honors Electricity and Magnetism PHYS-210
PHY-203 Optics and Modern Physics PHYS-215
PS-101 Introduction to American Government and Politics POLS-110
PS-101H Honors Introduction to American Government and Politics POLS-110
PS-102 Comparative Politics and Government POLS-130
PS-102H Honors Comparative Politics and Government POLS-130
PS-105 Introduction to Political Theory POLS-120
PS-105H Honors Introduction to Political Theory POLS-120
PS-106 Introduction to International Relations POLS-140
PS-106H Honors Introduction to International Relations POLS-140
PSYC-101 Introduction to Psychology PSY-110
PSYC-101H Honors Introduction to Psychology PSY-110
PSYC-103 Human Development PSY-180
PSYC-103H Honors Human Development PSY-180
PSYC-105/SOCI-105 Social Psychology PSY-170
PSYC-105H/SOCI-105H Honors Social Psychology PSY-170
PSYC-107 Psychobiology PSY-150
PSYC-107H Honors Psychobiology PSY-150
PSYC-112/SOCI-112 Gender and Social Interaction SOCI-140
PSYC-121/SOCI-121 Statistics for Behavioral Sciences SOCI-125
PSYC-124 Social Research Methodology with Lab PSY-200
PSYC-124H Honors Social Research Methodology with Lab PSY-200
PSYC-124 Social Research Methodology with Lab PSY-205B
PSYC-124H Honors Social Research Methodology with Lab PSY-205B
SJS-101 Introduction to Social Justice Studies SJS-110
SJS-101H Honors Introduction to Social Justice Studies SJS-110
SOCI-101 Principles of Sociology SOCI-110
SOCI-101H Honors Principles of Sociology SOCI-110
SOCI-102 Contemporary Social Problems SOCI-115
SOCI-103 Marriage and the Family SOCI-130
SOCI-105/PSYC-105 Social Psychology PSY-170
SOCI-105H/PSYC-105H Honors Social Psychology PSY-170
SOCI-108 Human Sexuality PSY-130
SOCI-112/PSYC-112 Gender and Social Interaction SOCI-140
SOCI-121/PSYC-121 Statistics for Behavioral Sciences SOCI-125
SOCI-125 Crime and Society SOCI-160
SPAN-101 Elementary Spanish I SPAN-100
SPAN-102 Elementary Spanish II SPAN-110
SPAN-201 Intermediate Spanish I SPAN-200
SPAN-202 Intermediate Spanish II SPAN-210
SPAN-203 Spanish for Native Speakers I SPAN-220
SPAN-204 Spanish for Native Speakers II SPAN-230
THA-101 Introduction to Theater THTR-111
THA-101H Honors Introduction to Theater THTR-111
THA-102 Theater History THTR-113
THA-110 Fundamentals of Acting THTR-151
THA-111 Intermediate Acting THTR-152
THA-113/COMM-113 Oral Interpretation of Literature COMM-170
THA-117 Stagecraft THTR-171
THA-120 Lighting THTR-173
THA-121 Costume Construction THTR-174
THA-122 Stage Makeup THTR-175
THA-201 Rehearsal and Performance THTR-191