Puente Program

Puente is designed to help students adjust to college life, apply their existing cultural knowledge to academic outcomes, and prepare for transfer to four-year universities. The program explores multicultural, and particularly Latinx, experiences in a close-knit familia cohort model by combining writing instruction, personal growth instruction, and counseling, and mentoring. Puente’s goal is to provide strong academic support that affirms community, culture, and lifelong learning. Puente is open to, and welcomes, all MSJC students.
Transfer Preparation
MSJC offers a wide range of course work that prepares students for the workforce or for transfer to four-year colleges and universities. All four-year institutions prescribe their own standards for course evaluation and admissions. Courses that fulfill major requirements for an associate degree in a program at MSJC might not be the same as those required for transfer into a similar major at a four-year university. Please meet with a Counselor to confirm transfer requirements.
Transfer students are advised to do research on prospective majors and careers. The MSJC Transfer Center and MSJC catalog can be helpful tools. Students interested in transferring to CSU’s or UC’s can access major preparation by visiting ASSIST. All students are advised to meet with a counselor at least once a semester to create or update their comprehensive education plan.
- Student will complete an informed educational plan for AA/AS graduation requirements.
- Student will complete an informed educational plan for transfer requirements.
- Student will participate in 20 campus and/or program events (10 per year) which inform their civic responsibility and increase their academic engagement.
- Student will complete English 101 and English 103 sequence with the Puente Program.
- Student will complete CSCR 100 with the Puente Program.
- Student will identify academic skills that prepare them for success in higher education environments.
Discover in-demand careers and education options based on your interests! See the list of careers below or explore further by searching for Careers or Programs.
Note: There are no guaranteed positions for students completing these programs. Education and work experience required will vary by employer. The salary and benefits for specific occupations will be dependent on work experience, education, background, and employer. Labor market statistics are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Census Bureau, O-NET, EMSI.
Gainful Employment Disclosures – 2023
This program is designed to be completed in 8 months.
This program will cost $874 if completed within normal time. There may be additional costs for living expenses. These costs were accurate at the time of posting, but may have changed.
Of the students who completed this program within normal time, the typical graduate leaves with $ 0 of debt.
The following States do not have licensure requirements for this profession: California
For more information about graduation rates, loan repayment rates, and post-enrollment earnings about this institution and other postsecondary institutions please click here: https://collegescorecard.ed.gov/
Cost per unit $46
Parking Permits cost $80 a year or $40 a semester
RTA Go Pass cost $16 a year or $8 a semester
SGA discount sticker (optional) - $14 a year or $7 a semester
Student representation fee (optional) - $4 a year or $2 a semester
Help a Student Fund (optional) - $4 a year or $2 a semester
Student Health Center Fee - $52 a year or $26 a semester
*For summer session fees and non-CA resident tuition, please see: