Program Description

Learn to develop a leader’s mindset and become a person of influence. Creating a culture of change, leading with trust, and resolving conflicts are part of what a leader does. With an awareness of your strengths, you will learn to lead effectively. These courses will show you that anyone can be a leader, an effective leader. Personal growth and creating a positive change is taught with strength and passion. If you have a desire to be successful and strive for excellence, then developing the leader in you is key! The leadership program provides a structured set of skills that help you positively impact your life and the lives around you.
Contact Information
San Jacinto/Menifee Campus
(951) 487-MSJC (6752)/ (951) 672-MSJC (6752)
1-800-624-5561/ 1-800-452-3335
Karen Cranney (951) 672-5715
- Learn to lead and develop a strong foundation for chosen endeavors.
- Develop and display personal communication and leadership skills.
- Support and engage in student life and campus for community leadership.
- Analyze, plan and organize complex problems and complex settings cooperatively to promote teamwork and community involvement.
Discover in-demand careers and education options based on your interests! See the list of careers below or explore further by searching for Careers or Programs.
Note: There are no guaranteed positions for students completing these programs. Education and work experience required will vary by employer. The salary and benefits for specific occupations will be dependent on work experience, education, background, and employer. Labor market statistics are from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, US Census Bureau, O-NET, EMSI.
Career field may be wide and varied. See a counselor or SUCCESS! Coach for more information.