A Message from the President

Welcome to Mt. San Jacinto College, a California community college district located in one of the fastest-growing regions in the state! In keeping with our mission and vision, MSJC provides an increasing number of educational opportunities for the diverse communities we serve.
This college was established through the vision of the residents of this community who understood that having a community college close to home was the path to increased pay, better lives, and stronger communities. Since 1963, when it opened for its first classes, MSJC has in turn transformed the lives of tens of thousands of alumni and impacted many more through its educational, cultural, and community outreach programs and events. Today, MSJC serves more than 25,000 students annually and continues to transform learners, communities, and lives.
MSJC offers classes at three campuses: San Jacinto, Menifee Valley, and Temecula Valley. MSJC also offers a middle college high school at the San Gorgonio Pass Campus to provide a seamless pathway from high school to community college. MSJC also provides a robust offering of online classes to give students more access and greater flexibility. This catalog contains information you need, including campus telephone numbers, student resources, course descriptions and district, state, and federal policies.
To ensure students can take advantage of quality educational experiences, MSJC has created an environment that promotes student success, diversity, equity and inclusion, and access. That environment is evidenced by our Equity Pledge and Call-To-Action and anchored by the excellent faculty, classified professionals, and MSJC support services. It is our commitment to help each student achieve their goals.
At MSJC students can choose from a variety of associate degree programs from accounting to water technology as well as 45 programs that lead to workforce training certificates. We offer 34 associate degrees for transfer, also known as ADTs, which help you transition seamlessly to a California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC) campus. MSJC courses and programs are designed to meet the needs of students. The college district also provides pathways for students to begin new careers, develop or upgrade occupational skills, improve basic skills and to seek opportunities for personal enrichment and lifelong learning. Courses and programs are continuously reviewed to meet the criteria set forth by the Education Code, the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges of the Western Association of Schools and Colleges and the California Community College Board of Governors.
The future looks very bright for MSJC with the high growth in this region and the addition of incredibly talented faculty and staff. With the passage of Measure AA, the $295 million facilities bond, in 2014, dramatic facilities expansion is occurring at every campus. We are excited this year to welcome students and the community to the new Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) facilities at the San Jacinto and Menifee Valley Campuses. Students and visitors at our Menifee Valley Campus will also see the newly opened Athletics & Kinesiology Complex, including the HCN Bank Stadium.
MSJC is an award-winning community college, recognized for its innovative programs, business and community partnerships, and its student-first commitment. Our Career Education programs rank among the highest in the state for placing students in careers that align with degrees and certificates. Ultimately our efforts are most evident in our graduates who go on to achieve and transform the world around them.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees, the faculty, and classified professionals, I encourage you to visit our campuses, talk with us, and choose MSJC as your educational partner.
Roger W. Schultz, Ph.D.

Board of Trustees (left to Right): Jhalister Corona (Area 4), Vicki Carpenter (Area 3), Calvin Smith (Area 2), Tom Ashley (Area 5), Brian Sylva (Area 1)
Brian Sylva, President (Area 1)
Tom Ashley, Clerk (Area 5)
Vicki Carpenter (Area 3)
Jhalister Corona (Area 4)
Calvin Smith (Area 2)
Degree Granting Programs and Certificates
Under the laws of the State of California, the locally elected Board of Trustees, on the recommendation of the superintendent/president and faculty of the college, is authorized to confer the Associate in Arts, Associate in Science and Associate in Science —Nursing degrees and vocational certificates in several specific occupational fields.
The Mt. San Jacinto Community College District does not discriminate in its admissions, education programs, activities or employment policies on the basis of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, religion, color, national origin, Vietnam era veteran’s status or disability. The District is subject to Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1972 and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Sections 503 and 504. Inquiries concerning the application of said regulations as they apply to employment should be referred to the Equal Employment Opportunity Officer, Vice President of Human Resources in the Human Resources Office, located on the 3rd floor on the Temecula Valley Campus. Inquiries regarding admissions, education programs, or student activities should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator at (951) 374-0539.
In compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the District has developed a Disabled Students Program. The District encourages “mainstreaming” of disabled students into regular classes and the college offers support services to make education accessible. Inquiries concerning this program should be directed to the Director of the Accommodation Service Center.
Mt. San Jacinto College is authorized, under federal law, to enroll nonimmigrant and alien students.
If you have questions, please contact the appropriate site.
Gironde De No Discriminación
El Distrito del Colegio de la Comunidad Mt. San Jacinto no discrimina en sus inscripciones, programas educativos, actividades o reglamento de empleo, basándose en raza, edad, sexo, religion, color, nacionalidad, status como veterano de guerra en Vietnam, o discapacidad. El distrito está sujeto al Título IX de la Enmienda Educativa de 1972, Título VII del Dictamen de los Derechos Civiles de 1964 y 1972, y el Dictamen de Rahabilitación de 1973, secciones 503 y 504. Información concerniente a la aplicación de dichos reglamentos, en relacion al empleo, deberá ser dirigida al Oficial de Equidad de Oportunidades de Empleo, el Decano Ejecutivo de Recursos Humanos en el Departamento de Recursos Humanos, ubicado en el edificio administrativo del Plantel San Jacinto. Información a sobre admisiones, programas educativos o actividades escolares deberan estar dirigidas al official del Título IX a (951) 374-0539.
De acuendo con la Sección 504 del Dictamen de Rehabilitación, el distrito ha desarrollado un Programa para Estudiantes discapasitados. El distrito exorta a la integración de estudiantes discapacitados a clases regulares, y el colegio ofrece services de apoyo para hacer la educación accessible. Información concerniente a este programa puede ser requerida al Director(a) de Centro de servicio de alojamiento.
El Colegio Mt. San Jacinto está autorizado, bajo la ley federal, a admitir tanto estudiantes no immigrantes, así como extranjeros.
Si necesita ayuda en Español, por favor hable al numero (951) 487-3217.