Contract & Community Education

Contract education is a powerful opportunity for employers to partner with MSJC to upskill their workers to increase productivity and position their business for future growth. Contract Ed offers affordable customized training to develop technical, soft, and leadership skills for businesses, non-profits, government agencies and other organizations. Virtual and in-person programs are delivered by subject matter experts, including contract trainers and college instructors, with extensive industry experience. MSJC works with businesses of all sizes across industries like advanced manufacturing, healthcare, government, information technology, agricultural, water & environmental, logistics warehousing, transportation, and other in-demand sectors.   

Community education offers not-for-credit, fee-based, programs catering to personal and professional development.  Our online and in-person programs support an individual’s curiosity and career success as a lifelong learner.  Some programs prepare for industry certification exams while others provide an engaging learning experience addressing a special interest.

For more information visit: Contract & Community Education